William Hogarth Trust
registered charity no.1092251


“In Georgian Footsteps” – Chiswick history trail

The Trust is delighted to announce the publication of a free A5 booklet which enables both local people and visitors to explore the area around Hogarth’s House and Chiswick House. Because we have received grants from the John and Ruth Howard Charitable Trust and Hounslow Council it can be given away without charge. Following discussions with colleagues at Chiswick House and with members of the Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society (whose research has been invaluable) the unusual content has been devised by Val Bott, and the handsome design by Toni Marshall, with whom we have worked before. The images have come from a variety of collections, and we are especially grateful to the Local Studies team at Chiswick Library for their help with these.

You can download the trail here or pick up a copy from Chiswick House and its cafe, Hogarth’s House, Fuller’s Brewery Shop, the Mawson Arms, St Nicholas Church and soon from Chiswick Library. Copies are also being sent to local schools and other organisations. We hope you enjoy reading the trail and following the route on the ground!