William Hogarth Trust
registered charity no.1092251


The Trust’s Data Policy

The Trust recognises that you have a right to know how we keep your personal data. This short statement tells you what we collect from you, how we store it and how we protect it.

The information held by the Trust and how it is used

The Trust holds the email, postal address and telephone number of committee members and supporters, for the purpose of organising meetings and events.

For donors of money we hold bank details and if you are a UK taxpayer and have agreed that we may recover Gift Aid, we also record your home address. Under the UK tax laws we need to keep these details for 6 years, after which time they are deleted.

How we protect your information

We keep information about you in password protected files. Any paper copies are stored safely and will be shredded when no longer needed. We respect your privacy and we will only collect and process personal data in accordance with the data protection legislation.

Whether you are a supporter, donor or merely subscribe to the website, the Trust will not give any third party access to personal data unless we are required to by law.

Changes to the privacy policy

We may update this policy occasionally and new versions will be placed on the website.

You may access or change the information we hold about you by emailing the Trust at info@williamhogarthtrust.org.uk